ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ The Pirates Friend V2.6 ³ ÀÄÄ Program Information ÄÄÙ Written By Ä The Puppet Master Released On - 11/8/95 Added about 150 more serial numbers, a dozen or so cracks, and a handful of cheat codes. I get a lot of mail asking for certain cracks, cheats, or serial numbers. Sorry, if your request isn't in here. I don't write these things, I just collect them. If I find it, it will be in a future issue. But please stop asking for stuff I just don't have. Most of the information that is contained in TPF, can also be found on the internet. Check out the news group: alt.cracks and alt.crackers. I spend most of my time there, scanning for new stuff. Thanks to everyone, everywhere, that has contributed to TPF. Files Contained In TPF-26.ZIP: TPF-26.EXE <-- Main Program SERIAL.DBF <-- Serial Numbers Data File 1 SERIAL.DBT <-- Serial Numbers Data File 2 CRACKS.DBF <-- Cracks Data File 1 CRACKS.DBT <-- Cracks Data File 2 CHEATS.DBF <-- Cheats Data File 1 CHEATS.DBT <-- Cheats Data File 2 INFO.DBF <-- Program Information Data File 1 INFO.DBT <-- Program Information Data File 2 XE.EXE <-- XE Hex Editor XE.ICO <-- XE Icon Data File XE.HLP <-- XE Help File XE.DOC <-- XE Documentation File UNP.COM <-- Uncompressing Tool (Used to uncompress files, duh!) WHATSNEW.TXT <-- This File! TPF26.EXE <-- Intro Boot File PICTURE.DAT <-- Intro Picture Data File MUSIC.DAT <-- Intro Music Data File SCROLL.DAT <-- Intro Scroll File FILE_ID.DIZ <-- Description For BBS's If you are missing any of the above files, or have extra files, not listed above, then you don't have the original, authenticated release of The Pirates Friend V2.6. Get it again, from your local pirate bbs.